Obrigada aos nossos tradutores!




1 Tube Principal à sua escolha

1 Misted Floral à sua escolha





Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact > Glass

Mura's Meister > Copies

PhotoEffex > Scanlines


Este Tutorial foi escrito por Soxikibem, qualquer semelhança é mera coincidência.

Tutorial elaborado no PSP 2022


O meu agradecimento as Tubeiras pelos Tubes e Masks
Sem eles não seria possível escrever o Tutorial.
Portanto, ao compartilhar ou usá-los, mantenha os Tubes intactos e não retirem o crédito.


Fique à vontade para mudar os Blends das layers,

pois, dependendo das cores e imagens o resultado poderá mudar.




1 - Abrir o material no PSP,  duplique e feche os originais.

Escolha três cores para trabalhar.

Foreground: #3f1b61

Background: #dd9da8

Cor 3: #fefefe


2 - Abra a cópia AlphaChannel_MartineBySoxikibem.

Pintar com um Gradiente Sunburst formado pelas cores do foreground e background:


3 - Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling:


4 - Effects > Plugins > PhotoEffex > Scanlines:


5 - Layers > New Raster Layer.

Selections > Select All.

Edit > Copy no Misted Floral.

Edit > Paste Into Selections.

Selections > Select None.


6 - Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling: Default.

Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur: 30.

Effects > Texture Effects > Tiles:

Layers > Merge > Merge Down.


7 - Effects > Plugins >  Mura's Meister > Copies:


8 - Effects > Reflection Effects > Rotating Mirror:


9 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #1.

Selections > Invert.

Effects > Reflection Effects > Rotating Mirror:

Selections > Select None.


10 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #1.

Selections > Promote Selection to Layer.

Selections > Select None.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 50, cor preta.


11 - Ativar a Layer Raster 1.

Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #3.

Selections > Promote Selection to Layer.

Effects > Reflection Effects > Feedback:


12 - Selections > Select None.

Layers > Arrange > Move Up.

Pick Tool: Position X 180, Position Y 96.

Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #4.

Ativar a ferramenta Flood Fill > Match Mode: None e pintar a seleção com a cor 3.

Effects > 3D Effects  Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 30, cor preta.

Selections > Select None.


13 - Ativar a Layer Raster 1.

Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #3.

Effects > Reflection Effects > Kaleidoscope:

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 35, 50, 10, cor preta.

Selections > Select None.


14 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #2.

Layers > New Raster Layer.

Layers > Arrange > Move Up.

Com a ferramenta Flood Fill > Opacity: 40%, pintar com a cor 3.


15 - Adjust > Add/Remove Noise > Add Noise:


Selections > Select None.


16 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #5.

Layers > New Raster Layer.

Com a ferramenta Flood Fill > Opacity: 60%.

Pintar com o gradiente que usamos no inicio do trabalho.

*Retornar em Opacity para 100%.


17 - Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: -20, 27, 45, 10, cor preta.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 20, -27, 45, 10, cor preta.


18 - Layers > New Raster Layer.

Edit > Copy no Misted Floral.

Edit Paste Into Selection.

Adjust > Sharpness > Sharpen.

Layers > Dupllicate.


19 - Effects > Texture Effects > Tiles:

Layers > Properties: Blend Mode Screen.

Selections > Select None.


20 - Ativar a Layer do Topo.

Selections > Select All.

Selections > Modify > Contract: 30.

Selections > Invert.

Layers > New Raster layer.

Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Edit > Paste Into Selection.


21 - Effects > Texture Effects > Tiles:


22 - Selections > Invert.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: 0, 0, 100, 40, cor preta.

Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.

Selections > Select None.


23 - Edit > Copy no Tube  Personagem.

Edit > Paste as New Layer.

Layers > Arrange Move Down para ficar abaixo da borda.

Posicionar à direita do trabalho.

Aplique Drop Shadow ou efeito que desejar.


24 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #6.

Layers > New Raster Layer.

Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Edit > Paste Into Selection.


25 - Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel:

Selections > Select None.

Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow: -9, 10, 45, 10, cor preta.


26 - Edit > Copy no TituloLecture_bySoxikibem.

Edit > Paste as New Layer.

Pick Tool: Position X 282, Position Y 458.


27 - Ativar a Layer do topo.

Layers > New Raster Layer.

Pintar com  cor do foreground.

Selections > Select All.

Selections > Modify > Contract: 2.

Aperte a tecla Delete do teclado.

Selections > Select None.


28 - Layers > New Raster Layer.

Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #7.

Edit > Paste Into Selection.

Adjust > Sharpness > Sharpen.


29 - Selections > Modify > Select Selection Borders:

Pintar com a cor 3.

Seletions > Select None.


30 - Selections > Load/Save Selections > Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #7.

Effects > Plugins >  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact > Glass:

Selections > Select None.


31 - Effects > Plugins >  Mura's Meister > Copies:

Pick Tool: Position X 130, Position Y 121.


28 - Aplicar sua marca d'água ou assinatura.

File > Export > JPEG Optimizer.







Criação - Formatação e Art Final by Soxikibem

Tube Principal & Misted: Tubed by Pqna&Alice


Sinta-se à vontade para enviar suas versões.

Terei todo o prazer em publicá-las em nosso site.



Tutorial criado por Soxikibem em Outubro/2022 para SIM-PSP. Não poderá ser copiado, retirado de seu lugar, traduzido ou utilizado em

listas de aprendizados ou grupos  sem o consentimento prévio da autora.